
Chinese American Project

这个计划的时候 我访问曲 天舒。 她是谢 老师的帮助者。 她 很天才的人。她 唱 汉语歌 唱的非常好。她 有一盘 光盘 可是我没听了。 认识她,我很高兴!

Qu Tian Shu came here with her mother in 2000 to visit her father after he had been working here since 1998. She is originally from Harbin which is in the north part of China. She was so excited she couldn’t sleep the whole flight.

While coming to America was easy, adjusting to its culture was a bit more difficult. She has experienced lots of culture shock. She also had a hard time adjusting to the language and the way the school system worked. In fact, on the first day of 6th grade, the other students who were white stared at her and marveled at her every move, touching all of her school supplies; they obviously never met a Chinese girl before . Another time a boy asked her to his girlfriend, poor Tian Shu took it as meaning he wanted to be friends and eagerly agreed. It was only until he tried to express his love that she figured out the real meaning. In 8th grade, she wanted to be in the schools production of “The Sound of Music”. The director liked her but said she needed to work on her English and pronunciation. She worked hard and she got the lead role! When she got into high school, she founded an English as a Second Language group. It was a way for foreign students to find support and work on their English.

Like all parents Tian Shu’s parents had expectations of her. They wanted her to be successful in all that she did. That included learning how to speak good English and adapt to American culture but she also said it’s important to retain her own Chinese culture. She has made it her goal to promote Chinese culture to the people she meets. Overall she feels she has been successful in everything she has done.

Tian Shu currently lives with her Father and Mother in Northfield, Illinois. Someday she wants to be a math teacher .

Critical Thinking
I don’t think it is hard for immigrants to create a new identity today, I think this because most Americans are a lot more accepting of other cultures so I think that immigrants can focus less on trying to assimilate into American culture and focus more on creating a sense of economic stability.
To be American means that a person; regardless of sex, race, religion, or age can live free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness for themselves. Social, cultural, educational, class, and economic standing are unimportant because those things are products of advanced civilization, the first humans were focused on survival and once they had that down pat, could they invent ways to distinguish themselves from others.

I have learned a lot from this interview. I gave me a deeper understanding of what its like for an immigrant to fit in in American society. It has shown me how different the experience for an Asian immigrant, someone whose culture is seen and completely backward from Western culture. This has truly been a learning experience.
