
American family project

Sue Yu
他 家有六个人。妈妈,爸爸,姐姐,妹妹,弟弟和他。他是 四十五岁。一九五 零年他的家从北京.他是 美国-中国人.

1。When did your family arrive in the United States?
In 1950

2. What is your and your family’s occupation ?
I'm a social worker and my family owns a cleaner / laundry mat.

3. Do you have any interesting stories?
"Yes ,I have a funny one. When I was high school many of my Caucasian friends had curls in their heads ,that I liked so much. So in order to fit in one of my friends put a chemical in my hair to make my hair like theirs. But it caused my hair to fall out. Now when I look back I regret it."

4. Where does your family come from?
My Father and mother came as immigrants .

5. Describe discrimination you have faced .
She said that she has faced it all her life. People always stereotype her as being smart.And when she was little kids use to tease her because of her physical characteristic. For example kids use to make fun of her eyes and accent.

6.Can you tell me the difference between the culture difference in American and in Chinese homes?
In American culture the children are allowed to voice their opinion
more and are more valued.But in Chinese culture the elders are more valued and children aren't supposed to voice their opinion as much to show respect.

7.In what ways did or do you feel like an outsider?
She wanted to fit in with her friends but her family encouraged her to stay close to the family. so she ended up have a conflict with what she was taught and what she felt.

8.How do you view marriage "outside the Chinese-American community"?
Her family felt that you marry inside the Chinese race and would not except interracial dating.

9.Did you feel caught between two worlds?
Yes because she wanted to eat the American style food but her mother only cooked Chinese style food in order to keep their tradition going.

Critical Thinking questions
  • I think that many immigrants have it bad now because of whats happenng in the world .Many people immigrants are taking the jobs of many americans. So many americans take out their anger on them, but i believe it isn't right. It's not the immigrants fault that they are more qaulifeid and were able to get the job. I support inviting immigrants into the United States because not only do they help or economy grow ,they make our country into the great country it is today.
  • I think that being a american today means to be a natrual born citizens, support your country ,pay your taxes and live an ideal american life.In america you are expected to go to colloge and if you were ever drafted you'er supposed to fight for your country.
  • I learned that the chinese race also went to similar barriers as my ancestors did. Like how African Americans and chinese are always the minority race in every thing.Also how hard life is if you are of a different race. This also told me the tell of an average Chinese American
