
The Students' Feedback

This intense Chinese summer program helped us a lot in four weeks. We learned over a hundred words, and four chapters in the New practical chinese Reader text book. We have 17 students in this class, and we all worked very hard. Although, learning Chinese language is difficult, especially when learning in a faster pace, we still improved a lot in speaking, writing, and reading. The chapters we learned about library, bank, shopping mall, and how to change the bus when you are lost. They are very useful. We like the free breakfast, but lunches are not very good. Most of people in class think it was a great experience, and they would like to do it again if possible. A lot of people like different teaching techniques Mrs. Kessel used. We also think TianShu is a great teaching assistant. Both teachers helped us to improve a lot. This program triggers our interest in learning Chinese, and a few people mentioned they will visit China in the future.
