
Deng is one of my chinese friends that attends my school, he's from beijing and this is his(mine too!) interview:

When did your family arrive in the United States?
…like 13 years ago.
What were your parent’s occupations?
…uh, my parents, they were both teachers, but my dad is now a teacher and my mom is a cook at a restaurant in Chinatown. They work all day and night and it’s hard for me staying alone.
Do you or your family have any stories that you would like to share with me?
I’m sorry but I think that we don’t have any.
Where were you from? Talk about how you got to America
Beijing… I don’t know I think I was three years old back then. We just came for the American dream. So I think one day my mom and dad applied for the visas and then we just came suddenly.
Can you describe me any discrimination that you’ve ever faced?
As I said I was too little when I got here, but I remember once that some kids were laughing at me because I punched someone by accident and they thought that I was going to do some weird kung-fu type of thing, so they began mocking me.
Did you feel caught between two worlds?
Sometimes because you go to school and you interact with different people and when I go home I know that I’ll be somewhere different than in school.
In what ways did or do you feel like an outsider?
When I speak English or Chinese.
Can you talk about the differences in the culture inside the Chinese and the American home?
Chinese people are very traditional; hard working people while Americans are more liberal about it.
What were your parent’s expectations of you?
To study, be a doctor, and marry.
How do you view the importance of education?
It’s very important that’s what keeps the world going on.
How is American individualism different from Chinese culture?
I don’t know…
How do you view marriage outside the Chinese American community?
As a union between two individuals.
Do you think being accepted as an American is an issue for you?
No. Whatever people think about this shouldn’t bother me
Would you like to say something else?
Yes. What’s this for?
For my Chinese class… thank you so much
No problem.
Critical thinking questions.
It’s more difficult now to get your own identity because there are millions of people applying for a visa. Also there are a lot of illegal people in the States. An American in my opinion is someone that is working hard in this continent in order to improve its economy. It is someone that studies hard in order to be successful, that’s an American.
I think that all immigrants share the same dreams (achieving the American Dream) so that’s why most of us can relate to each other, and I also think that all immigrants have the same plans for their children, and most of the kids have nothing else to do, but to obey. Well we’re pretty much alike in the sense that Deng immigrated, he had to learn another language and he has to deal with two cultures every day. My family came to the U.S. I was 14(or 13) and I resented my parents because they took away all the things that I was used to deal with (family, friends, etc.). Now I’m starting to forgive them because I think they had a good reason to do it, right?

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